
Restoration work now complete on SNC property in North Dundas

07-Dec-2015 04-Jan-2016

Grassland restoration work recently undertaken by South Nation Conservation (SNC) to promote the recovery of the Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark in Eastern Ontario, two birds that are Species at Risk is now complete.

The improvements took place on a property located in the Township of North Dundas. View a map here.

The project involved the removal of trees and shrubs and seeding the area with a mix of native grasses and wildflowers. Once the habitat is established, it will be maintained through mowing late in the fall every two-three years. “Monitoring for the two bird species in question will occur every spring,” Cavanagh explained.

Habitat restoration projects such as these help offset the decline of native grasslands in Ontario and right across North America.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Michelle Cavanagh, 877-984-2948, ext. 310.