Floating wetland a green alternative for storm water treatment ponds

Installed last year, the floating wetland is now well established and continues to show signs of progress in controlling algae growth in a La Nation’s storm water treatment pond at Limoges.
Floating wetlands have been installed in the pond that mimic nature in delivering similar water quality improvements, explained Jason Symington, SNC Environmental Technologist.
“Floating wetlands provide a highly efficient, natural way to improve water quality and buffer habitats against surges in nutrients and pollution, but these changes take time” Symington said.
Proven technology, the wetlands are constructed from durable, non-toxic recycled plastics and vegetated with native plants, providing a surface area for growing large amounts of microbes in a short period of time.
“Simply put, nutrients in the water circulating around a floating wetland come in contact with the plants and microbes and are consumed by them.”
Monitoring is ongoing throughout the year and provides a way of evaluating progress at the demonstration site. Part of the monitoring process involves comparing the demonstration site with a similar storm pond.
Results show that while the chemical parameters were almost identical, two clear differences were present. One pond had algae, one didn’t.
As evident a year later, the vegetated growth on the floating wetlands is now well established and grown over the season.
Floating wetlands are a green alternative to treating storm water runoff using chemicals to reduce algae infestation. Not to mention, they provide good partnership opportunities with member Municipalities.
Staff will continue monitoring the site to ensure the wetlands stay healthy.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Jason Symington, 877-984-2948, ext. 230.