
Ressources externes

Cette page permet d'accéder directement à des publications nationales et internationales d'intérêt, compilées par la CNS pour servir de ressource aux résidents, universités, médias, et nos partenaires en conservation.

Document d’information sur les algues bleu-vert (cyanobactéries): contexte et éventuelles conséquences sur la qualité de l’eau potable et la santé des êtres humains (2014)


La loi sur les offices de protection de la nature

Document de discussion


Les documents suivant ne sont pas disponible en français:

Sustainable Prosperity - In Deep Water (2014)

American Water Works Association - Sources and Supply: Protecting forested watersheds is smart economics for water utilities (2014)

Information about Blue-Green Algae: Background, potential impacts to human health and safety of drinking water (2014)

Environment Probe: Water Quality Trading in Ontario (May 2013)

The Value of Water Coalition: A website to educate the public on the importance of clean, safe, and reliable water.

Advancing the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Canada: A Survey of Economic Instruments for the Conservation and Protection of Biodiversity–Sustainable Prosperity (June 2011)

CDP Water Disclosure 2010 Global Report–Carbon Disclosure Project (2010)

Integrates Water Resources Management: Bringing It All Together–Water Resources IMPACT (May 2011)

Perspectives on Climate Chance–Canadian Institute of Planners (March 2012)  

…Silver in the Stars and Gold in the Morning Sun’: Non-farm Rural Landowners’ Motivations for Rural Living and Attachment to their Land–Landscape Research (February 2010) 

Statscan researches Canada’s freshwater supply and demand–Environmental Science and Engineering Magazine (Summer 2011)   

Telling the Weather Story –The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction for Insurance Bureau of Canada (June 2012)

The length of environmental review in Canada under the Fisheries Act–NRC Research Press (March 2013)

The New Decision-Makers in the Rural Landscape – Who Are Non-Farm Rural Landowners?–Journal of Rural and Community Development (2011)