
A Natural Solution to Streambank Erosion

02-Nov-2015 02-Nov-2015

Under the banner “A River for Tomorrow”, Moose Creek residents were asked how they see the creek and their thoughts on protecting it for future generations.

The project involved many components including improving water quality and habitat, reducing erosion, stabilizing the stream bank and beautifying the area.

SNC was pleased to work with several partners on the project including Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Lafleche Environmental Inc., North Stormont Township, and the Moose Creek Watershed Committee.

As part of rehabilitation work, 35 cedar log cribs filled with soil and rock have been installed along a stretch of the Creek to stabilize the shoreline and stop erosion. The cedar cribs were designed in-house and built on site by SNC staff. The site will be finished with bio-degradable geotextile and planted with native shrubs.

“It’s a very environmentally friendly way of stabilizing a streambank,” said Langlois-Anderson, SNC Senior Fish and Wildlife Technician. “And it’s unobtrusive. The cedar cribs blend in nicely with the natural surroundings.”

The site will act as a demonstration area, showcasing the use of natural materials and techniques for landowners and Municipalities looking for a more natural solution to address shoreline erosion.

All that’s left to complete is the native tree and shrub planting that will be conducted within the next few weeks, before the arrival of winter.

“We’re planning to call out volunteers within the next few weeks to help plant the site,” mentioned Naomi Langlois-Anderson, adding thanks to the community for interest shown to date in revitalizing Moose Creek.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Naomi Langlois-Anderson, 877-984-2948, ext. 250.